First Glimpse | Early Scan
From 6-12 Weeks Gestation
First Glimpse
Visit ABC4D and see your baby for the first time. This baby scan helps determine the viability of an early pregnancy, please do not book until you are at least 6 weeks*, from this point we can identify the fetal pole and measure your baby and work out more accurate dating, we can also identify if you are having a single or multiple pregnancy. From around 7 weeks gestation we may be able to identify the fluttering of a heartbeat. All images will be sent to your email using ABC4D smartscan technology.
This early scan is popular with pregnant women who want reassurance before telling relatives and friends their good news. It is also useful for women who are experiencing pain or bleeding or for those who have had previous complications such as miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.
You must be at least 6 weeks gestation for this scan. You can use our online booking system to work out when you can book an appointment.
- ABC4D health check and report
- Optional transvaginal scanning
- 2 x thermal black/white prints
- Viability and/or dating of pregnancy
- Images sent to your email via ABC4D Smartscan
- This overall appointment takes up to 10 minutes
- ABC4D follow NICE and RCOG guidelines
- We allow the client plus 4 guests into the appointment. (total 5 including client)
First Glimpse Baby Scans are available in Ayr, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Greenock and Motherwell and are performed by a qualified Obstetric Sonographer or Midwife under the direction of Consultant Obstetrician Dr Evelyn Ferguson.
*Please do not adjust your conception date to get a scan before the minimum 6 weeks requirement.
*If a transvaginal scan is required to clearly assess viability but is declined by the client, a refund will not be offered.
First Glimpse Plus (2 Scans)
This package consists of 2 first glimpse appointments 7 to 14 days apart. The First Glimpse baby scan helps determine the viability of an early pregnancy, from 6 weeks we can identify the fetal pole which allows us to measure your baby and work out more accurate dating, we can also identify if you are having a single or multiple pregnancy. From around 7 weeks gestation we may be able to identify the fluttering of a heartbeat. Your second appointment will be arranged after your first scan. This allows us to take measurements and assess the growth and development of the foetus. This package is particularly useful for pregnant women who have had previous complications such as miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.
You must be at least 6 weeks gestation for us to identify a heartbeat. If you are less than 6 weeks when you attend the first scan we will assess and estimate the dates of your pregnancy and reassess the measurements on your second appointment.
- ABC4D health check and report at each appointment
- Optional transvaginal scanning at each appointment
- 2 x thermal black/white prints at each appointment
- Viability and/or dating of pregnancy at each appointment
- 2 x 10 minutes appointments
- All images sent to email via ABC4D smartscan technology
- We allow the client plus 4 guests including siblings into the appointment. (5 in total including the client)
First Glimpse Plus Baby Scans are available in Ayr, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Greenock and Motherwell and are performed by a qualified Obstetric Sonographer under the direction of Consultant Obstetrician Dr Evelyn Ferguson.
First Glimpse Early Viability
Early scan for reassurance & wellbeing with a qualified sonographer. Important healthcheck.
From 6-12 Weeks
Gender Reveal & Early Gender DNA Test
Are you having a boy or girl? Our professional opinion on your baby's gender.
From 6-34 Weeks
Early Gender DNA Test
DNA test to identify the gender of your baby from 6 weeks gestation, 99.9% accurate.
Available from 6 weeks gestation
Non-invasivePrenatal Test
NIPT for Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, Patau Syndrome & Turners Syndrome. Results in 7 days.
Available from from 10 weeks gestation