Early Viability
Early Gender Test
(Free 5D*)
& Wellbeing

Early Viability
Early Gender Test
(Free 5D*)
& Wellbeing
Early Gender DNA test from 6 weeks

Early Viability
Early Gender Test
(Free 5D*)
& Wellbeing
See your little movie star!
(Free 5D upgrade*)

Early Viability
Early Gender Test
(Free 5D upgrade*)
& Wellbeing
Peace of mind when you need it most.
Essential Baby Scans for your Health & Wellbeing
ABC4D Baby Scan Clinics
Baby Scanning – Baby Scans Clinic – 4d & 3d Scans – ABC4D
Your health & wellbeing are our priority, that's why ABC4D follow the same NICE & RCOG guidelines as the NHS and are qualified to carry out early scans, gender scans, sneak peak early gender DNA tests, 4D & 5D baby scans, diagnostic scans, fertility scans, NIPT tests and Recurrent Miscarriage tests and clinics. Before booking a scan with any other baby scan company we recommend that you check they meet this standard.
We are much more than just a Baby Scan Clinic!
ABC4D is owned and operated by mother of 3, Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Dr Evelyn Ferguson, who hand picks the best NHS registered Obstetric Sonographers & Midwife Sonographers. Using the very latest ultrasound equipment we offer First Glimpse packages checking baby's health from 6 weeks and our Reassurance & Wellbeing packages assess your baby's growth and wellbeing throughout your pregnancy. We also offer exciting Gender Reveal packages from 16 weeks in 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D. Our 4D and 5D Picture This and Movie Star packages give you a window into the womb revealing your baby's features in live time!
At ABC4D clinics, health & wellbeing is paramount. All our baby scans include an essential baby wellbeing health check.
Our clinics in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenock, Motherwell, Falkirk and Ayr follow protocols to keep our clients & staff safe. we can allow the client plus 4 guests making a total of 5 people in the room including the expectant mother and siblings.
More than just a Baby Scan Clinic!
Owned and operated by Consultant Obstetrician
NHS registered Sonographers & Midwives
Fully Insured
Latest 4D & 5D ultrasound equipment
Sneak Peek Early Gender DNA test
NIPT Test provider
Fertility Test provider
Early Pregnancy & Recurring Miscarriage Clinic
Clinics in Ayr, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Motherwell & Greenock
First Glimpse Early Viability
Early scan for reassurance & wellbeing with a qualified sonographer. Important healthcheck.
From 6-12 Weeks
Gender Reveal & Early Gender DNA Test
Are you having a boy or girl? Our professional opinion on your baby's gender.
From 6-34 Weeks
Early Gender DNA Test
DNA test to identify the gender of your baby from 6 weeks gestation, 99.9% accurate.
Available from 6 weeks gestation
Non-invasivePrenatal Test
NIPT for Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, Patau Syndrome & Turners Syndrome. Results in 7 days.
Available from from 10 weeks gestation
Book online at your convenience using our interactive booking system, if you would prefer to speak to a member of our Customer Services Team please get in touch!
ABC4D Customer Services - [email protected] or 0800 999 5123
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